Mgozi With Queen G

Sir Juice

Okay, then there is Sir Juice! Guys is this guy even a dj!? Like is he really really a dj!? Yaz coming to think of it, I have never seen dude playing anywhere! Do they book him? What music does he even play?? Genre? The whole I have heard rumours that he is a dj but never seen this practically! Or is this perhaps a strategy for him to get em hunnies?? I heard he loves huns and they love him too! Maybe this I am a dj thing is working for him after all! Hei but he does look like a dribble! He looks like someone who would tell you they like you today and tomorrow pretend like you never existed! Like he has never seen you in his entire life! Talk about playboy of note! Yup!

Mgozi With Queen G